Saturday, August 13, 2011

Long Time, No Post? I know.

Love never gives up.
love cares more for others than for self.
love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
love doesnt strut,
doesn't have a swelled head,
doesn't force itself on others,
isn't always, "me first,"
doesn't fly off the handle,
doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
doesn't rovel when others grovel,
takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
puts up with everything,
trusts God always,
always looks for the best,
never looks back, but keeps going to the end.

1 Corinth. 13

The sets of words in purple are my favorite sections of this passage.
They're like, huge to me.

Love never gives up.
How absolutely amazing would it be if we never gave up on things or people that we love? But we give up all the time. It's so hard to keep going when the going gets rough. Jesus sets this example for us though. He never gives up on us sinners. The Bible says that he died for us while we were still his enemies. ENEMIES! How many of you would die for your enemy, let alone give them the shirt off your back. Jesus died for us who crucified him. How just completely mind blowing is that?

Love puts up with everything.
Once again, it's like never giving up. God puts up with so much from us.. from hating our bodies, which, by the way, he designed just the way they are. To hating each other, murder, cheating, lying, stealing. How much do you put up with from your little brother, big sister, parents, friends? EVERYTHING.

Love never looks back, but keeps going until the end.
.. The end of time. Jesus says in his word that he will be with us until the end of time. How many people will you truly love the entire time that you're with them, until that time is up? Love every second of every minute of every hour. You won't keep score of their sins against you like another part of this passage says. The Bible says our sins are as far away as the East is from the West. Jesus never, ever looks back.

So, how will you love today.. and for the rest of your life? Will you take pleasure in the flowering of truth, not rovel when others grovel? It's my prayer that you will, and that God will give me the strength to do the same.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Psalm 139

I thank you, High God - you're breathtaking!

Body and soul, I am marvelously made!

I worship in adoration - what a creation!

You know me inside and out..

.. Your thoughts - how rare, how beautiful!

God, I'll never comprehend them!

Psalm 139

God love syou with an everlasting love; a love that never fails; a 1st Corinthians kind of love. No matter what you do or don't do, god will never love you more and he'll never love you less. He thinks of you day and night, and knows everything about you. Go to Jesus and tell him your worries and your fears and everything you are going through. Even when you don't have the words he understands. Thank him for loving you so much and for everything he's created for you. The sun and the moon and the starts, every crystal of a snowflake, the sunsets and sunrises, the sound of laughter, music, hugs from your friends and everlasting life. Jesus loves you more than life itself.

I wrote this to a friend a while back, and these words ring true in my mind. I needed this truth from Psalm 139. God's thoughts about us are countless, and he loves us no matter what we do right or what we do wrong. He forgives our every sin because he came in the form of flesh to die for us, now we need to live for him.

'You make everything glorious,
You make everything glorious,
You make everything glorious,

And I am Your's."

-David Crowder Band

Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh, this weather :)

so, maybe I am getting a little ahead of myself.
but oh, well.

The weather here right now just makes me want to dance and sing. It's soo absolutely gorgeous and pretty and bright outside. I love it.

Yes, I know. It's still the middle of February.

Yesterday I took my dog for a run. Outside. I was so pumped. And the past couple of days I havent worn a coat to school, just a northface-jacket-look-alike that I bought at Walmart. I've started drinking lemonade. I wanna go out and ride the horses again, and I can't wait for softball practices to start. I love the transition between winter and spring.

At the beginning of winter I always think it's beautiful. The first snow, a white Christmas, snow angels and hot chocolate. But I adore when it starts to look like spring. The sun is out longer and at 7 am when I open the blinds in my bathroom it's not pitch dark anymore. This morning as I was on my way to school the sunrise and clouds were dazzling. The sky was blue, and the clouds purple, then right at the place where they meet the sun came shining through, making the lining of the clouds gold. It was wonderful.

You know the song 'Back to December' by Taylor Swift? If not I think you should listen to it. It's such a pretty song and totally caputures the way I've been feeling lately.
So this is me swallowing my pride
standing in front of you saying im sorry for that night,
and I go back to december all the time.
Turns out feedom ain't nothing but missing you
wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine.
I'd go back to december, turn around and make it all right.
I go back to december all the time.
I wish I could do that.
But I'm beginning to see something different.
I'm seeing what God wants me to see and what He wants me to sing.
I'm deciding that I'd rather not go back to December. I'm looking forward to the spring.
God showed me that a few mornings ago when I was listening to this song thinking about the past. There's no point in going back to December when God is the One who told you to leave it. Why drown yourself in the past when he's got spring waiting right around the corner for you?
I hope you look for spring. :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Go With the Flow

Listening to? Glow -Britt Nicole
Smelling? Both the vanilla and cappuccino scented candles in my room. and something weird too, not sure what that is.
I think I may have a problem.
I can be pretty stubborn.
It's not that I've just realized this,
I just came to the conclusion that maybe it's not a good thing.
You see, I'm an only child. That can cause some problems with sharing and allowing others to have their way when making plans or other such things. Don't get me wrong! I love hanging out and doing what others do, but usually I like to go by my ideas of what we should do. Like for example, I hateeee spending money to do basically anything. It gets kinda hard to have fun when you don't like to go out and do anything. Now, I will spend a pretty penny on food, but that's my weakness. :) The movies really aren't my favorite thing because they're so expensive, if you want to go to the nice ones. I wait for movies to get into the dollar theater. And even then it's rare that I'll go see one. This weekend I'm going bowling. It's decently expensive too, unfortunately. But I'm super excited.
Anyways, so. Are you stubborn about anything? (like me) Or do you just go with the flow? I was thinking today, that the extreme of either is not good. Mostly, the extreme of anything is never good.
Example? Too much food vs. too little food.
Well this one is a little bit obvious. Too much food is very unhealthy,
Too little, is also unhealthy, maybe even more so.
Too stubborn vs. going with the flow
Stubbornism never ever gets you anywhere. Not being open to listen to what people
have to say does you absolutely no good and only gets people mad at you.
Going with the flow shows little character and belief in yourself and whatever you've
put your faith in.
Too much power vs. no say in anything
Well, let's just look at government. It's my opinion that if the gov. has it's hand in too
many public affairs things just don't go right. Ever heard of laizze-faire? That's when
the government lets things go their own way. It means "to let be".
No say in anything, kinda like the government having too much power. If one person
or one group of people have all the power and no one else has the say in anything
things don't turn out well.
One thing I have realized, though, is that you CANNOT have too much faith.
Isaiah 7:7- ".. if you don't take your stand in faith, you won't have a leg to stand on."
Matthew 8: 10- (This verse is sad to me,) "Those who grew up 'in the faith', but had no faith will find themselves out in in the cold, outsiders to grace and wondering what happened."
(have you made your faith your own?)
Luke 7:50- "Your faith has saved you."
Luke 17:5- The apostles came up and said to the Master, "Give us more faith."
May i just say, the verse above, is beautiful.
That's my daily prayer. I hope it's yours too. :)
Have a great weekend.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Holey Jeans, Boys, the Bible, Bestfriends and of Course, the Cops.

"What is he doing?" That's what I said to my best friend when a gorgeous mustang convertible pulled into the parking lot. "Let's get back in your car," and she scrambled for the keys. Eventually the cops followed us.
I really had missed hanging out with her. And talking to her. And, just in general, having a blast with her. That's why we used to be best best best friends. I think we might be getting back to that. :)
I love the suspense of TPing, and saran (however it's spelled) wrapping your friends cars and writing on the windows with window paint. Especially on a Friday night.. after you've just spent two hours eating chocolate and playing MarioKart.

I also love the Bible, most of all.

The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the Earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
-Isaiah 40:28

You can't tell me that's not just beautiful.

Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up you will get the wind knowched out of you. But if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty.
-Matthew 23: 11-12

How's that for God pointing a finger right at all of us?

so, about boys?
Us girls have the ultimate Boy pursuing us.

Jesus Christ.

What're we doing, chasing guys when God, our Father has everything all planned out for us? He's right now, currently, working in the life of the guy he has for you. He's transforming him and testing him and blessing him and just making him into the only guy we will ever fit together perfectly with.
Follow Jesus. Pursue Him.
I read an amazing book called "Authentic Beauty" by Leslie Ludy. It talks about how she really met God, and her true Prince, and about how forgiving He is and just how he loves us. Here's her websiteee. It beautiful. :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ever Had That Feeling?..

What's your favorite thing to feel? I love that feeling of just waking up, and the blinds are open and the sun is just shining in on you. It's the warmth of a summer day just beginning, with new opportunities right at your doorstep; you're free to choose and jump right in.

Or the feeling of a late night with your friends, where you've all just talked and laughed and shared with each other. Happiness. When I was in middle school my friends and I were in contest for choir, and we sang the song from Charlie Brown called "Happiness". I can't remember all of it, but some of it went like this:

Happiness is two kinds of ice cream,
knowing a secret,
climbing a tree.

Happiness is five different crayons,
catching a firefly,
setting him free.

For happiness is anyone and anything at all
that's loved by you.

How cute is that? I could really use two kinds of ice cream, five crayons and a firefly right now? What about you? I wish I could go back to being a kid, not worrying about the exams I have coming up this friday, and not worrying about what I eat, or how many calories I've burned today. Who cares what you wear and how your hair looks? It's not gonna matter in the future. I wish I could look at the whole picture sometimes.

This last Sunday we watched a video in church about relationships. Something that the guy teaching the lesson said was that if we could all learn and live by this one phrase, our lives would go so much smoother.

"It's not about me."

In 2011, I am going to try to live by that. Of course, I'm going to make many mistakes, as I already have. I've been forgive though. So have you. I'm going to look at the big picture. I hope you'll join me. :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bless Your Name

No matter what,
I will choose to
Bless Your Name.